Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Engage, baby!

We just read an interesting article by Dr. Eva Selhub about the way our bodies naturally and accurately communicate with us. Whether our symptoms are physical or emotional, the discomfort we feel is extremely important information. If we continue to ignore this information, then bodily stress accumulates.

Dr. Selhub proposed 8 methods to prevent this accumulation of stress. Most of these methods we’ve all read about often: exercise, good nutrition, meditation, sleep, laughter, etc. Her last method, however, really caught our eye because it’s rarely discussed. The word she used is “engage.”

By “engage,” she meant participating in an activity you love so that the mind experiences what she referred to as “enjoyment and flow.” Well, this is precisely why we love to drink tea regularly throughout our day. A visually beautiful, aromatic, delicious tea provides a drinking experience that automatically engages all of the senses as well as the mind.

If we can bring 100% of our awareness to the act of drinking tea, we feel that we will learn to live every part of our lives in the same way: alert, mindful, engaged!

Go to article: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/eva-m-selhub-md/when-the-body-screams-hel_b_251218.html

Monday, August 10, 2009

Resist, baby!

Uh oh. It’s 2:30 in the afternoon. The last few bits of lunch in your belly are dissolving rapidly. Your eyes are drooping, your head is nodding, and you just read the same sentence on your computer screen four times.

The vending machine is calling. The ice cream bar in the freezer is calling. The chocolate jar on your evil co-worker’s desk is calling.

Well, not so fast, baby!

You’re not alone. Most people experience a downward swing in their blood sugar in the mid-afternoon. And that’s the time that they reach for the sugar or caffeine that will provide a false energy spike and an inevitable crash.

The next time you’re teetering on the edge of that downward plunge, reach for a cup of caffeine-free peppermint tea instead. The natural fragrance will open your eyes, and the rich, potent flavor is guaranteed to reawaken your body and mind.

If you can take your tea cup for a walk around the office, or better yet, outside in the sun, so much the better.

Happy sipping!
-Chai, Baby!

Try Chai, Baby!’s organic Energy Blend, with Eygptian peppermint, ginger and cinnamon, every afternoon for one week. Then, let us know your experience!